Friday, July 21, 2006

New MobileMonday Atlanta Chapter

We are excited to announce the organizing of a new MobileMonday chapter in Atlanta - Georgia to represent the established mobile industry in SouthEast USA.

Forum to share knowledge and discuss developments in the mobile world
Promote local mobile industry, entrepreneurs and technologies
Foster cooperation among individuals, academia and industry
Facilitate networking, cooperation, partnerships and business development
Educate general public about mobility through events, online presence and media partnerships

Mobile Monday Global Network
Access to papers, presentations and events of other chapters
Participate in international discussions on mobility
Take South East mobile companies global by leveraging the international network
Exchanges with other Mobile Monday chapters
Benefit from visiting Mobile Monday dignitaries of other countries

This is a Monthly Event
Community meet-up to share ideas, best practices and trends
Focal gathering point for entrepreneurs, business managers, product champions, application developers, academia, analysts and media
Present business plans, innovative visions, studies and forecasts
An industry-focused and casual networking opportunity
Meet mobile professionals and learn what local companies are doing
Events are free, and open to anyone with interest in mobiles

To learn more about it, to join and sponsor contact edpimentl [at] gmail dot com or visit